Sunday, September 25, 2011

Phil holding the boys. (he looks intimidated; wait until they are in youth group)

Explanation on Practice What you Preach: Mainly for Phil

I can not articulate the message that Phil preaches on exactly (knowing that i would not do it justice), however, the point of the sermon was to be a part of the community as a christian (having a constant changing life and continually growing yourself as a christian),  Major emphasis was placed on the foundation of the church being fellowship (personal contributions).  In a way, the fellowship of the church and reaching out to others (connection) is a core fundamental of what makes the church, in so reflecting jesus.

well so i make sure that I am not redundant on the blog, Phil if you are looking at this; scroll through the previous posts and you will be happy to see words into action from your congregation before the sermon was given.  To Wenzells class, Michelle and I are forever greatful for the dinners, fellowship and love, Jim Dunn thanks for taking the time in a  long day to swing by, Jimmy Baysden thank you for your words of wisdom and service to others, lastly Phil thanks for leading the pack.  In summary, our lives are changing.

Scotts Hill Baptist Church: Practice what they preach: 1st Sunday back (late: 830am to an 8 am service) Well I live to understand what others go through getting 2 babies up, fed for church, while having been awake since 3 am. Only Phil Ortego could keep me awake. Way to go.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Alright had ww1 go off in a diaper i went to change it and got hit by ww2.  Explanation: sibling rivalry is amazing.  I awoke and noah had a blow out.  Up the back of his diaper, all over the place but it was a contained explosion.  I picked up Carter who looked peaceful.  I changed Carter and told him that his brother bested him in the diaper competition.  At that time of my ill fated comment, Carter proceeded to finish an already in progress Poo at the speed of 90 mph; hitting my hand, exploding all over me, the floor, the dresser.  It was humbling.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

The week of Gigi: Praise to God for such an awesome mother that has not stopped helping with the boys since the second she arrived. I have BEEN ABLE TO SLEEP!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!! I love my Gigi. Oh yes I do. By the way, to all of yall who really know the Gigi; she not only holds your kids but sings nonstop to them. Carter just looks in amazement. Noah if uneasy, calms down. It is like a the man playing the flute controlling a cobra. You are awesome Gigi.

Carter: Watch me as I levetate my hat. Or Better yet, Dad catch a clue that my hat is not on in the morning and put it on better. Every morning, Carter wiggles down out of his hat.

Yes, it iis true, my kids did not cry until being taken out of the water from their bath and that was just because they were cold. It was an awesome experience with our sink seat.

First Bath; which was actually last sunday; but I have learned that parenting doesn't give you the extra time during the week

I think what they say is " it takes a village to raise a child" or better yet, Wenzel's Sunday School Class rocks!!!!!! Y'all have helped us out so much. Thanks to everyone.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

olan mills shots; we have the rights to the pics yeah!!

My beautiful wife enjoys the saturday as well with a lazy morning

The boys taking naps on the outside porch on such a beautiful day. My oldest boy has helped immensely with herding the two new boys. Shout out to my first boy kona!!!

Ok so like I said in the earlier post; During the work week, I have fallen down on my updating; I have even forgotten to take pics because dinner was delivered before I got home; However, thank you to everyone in the Wenzel's sunday school class for the consistently awesome dinners. The thoughtfulness is astounding and really appreciated. by the way, the shirt is what makes me look like I have a 36 week gestation belly; however, I have not had it that rough that I gained that much.

Carter and Noah relaxing after a hard day of sleeping and feeding

However sleep on saturday was awesome!!!! praise god
I am running behind on the blog cause of the work week