Sunday, September 25, 2011

Explanation on Practice What you Preach: Mainly for Phil

I can not articulate the message that Phil preaches on exactly (knowing that i would not do it justice), however, the point of the sermon was to be a part of the community as a christian (having a constant changing life and continually growing yourself as a christian),  Major emphasis was placed on the foundation of the church being fellowship (personal contributions).  In a way, the fellowship of the church and reaching out to others (connection) is a core fundamental of what makes the church, in so reflecting jesus.

well so i make sure that I am not redundant on the blog, Phil if you are looking at this; scroll through the previous posts and you will be happy to see words into action from your congregation before the sermon was given.  To Wenzells class, Michelle and I are forever greatful for the dinners, fellowship and love, Jim Dunn thanks for taking the time in a  long day to swing by, Jimmy Baysden thank you for your words of wisdom and service to others, lastly Phil thanks for leading the pack.  In summary, our lives are changing.

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